@extends('theme.master') @section('title', "$bundle->title") @section('content') @section('meta_tags') @php $url = URL::current(); @endphp @endsection @include('admin.message') {{ $bundle['title'] }} {{ $bundle['short_detail'] }} {{ __('Created') }}: {{ $bundle->user['fname'] }} {{ __('Last Updated') }}: {{ date('jS F Y', strtotime($bundle['updated_at'])) }} @if ($bundle['preview_image'] !== null && $bundle['preview_image'] !== '') @else @endif @if ($bundle->type == 1) @if ($bundle->is_subscription_enabled == 1) @if($bundle->discount_price == !null) {{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'l' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}{{ price_format( currency($bundle->discount_price, $from = $currency->code, $to = Session::has('changed_currency') ? Session::get('changed_currency') : $currency->code, $format = false)) }}{{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'r' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}/{{ $bundle->billing_interval }} {{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'l' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}{{ price_format( currency($bundle->price, $from = $currency->code, $to = Session::has('changed_currency') ? Session::get('changed_currency') : $currency->code, $format = false)) }}{{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'r' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}/{{ $bundle->billing_interval }} @else {{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'l' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}{{ price_format( currency($bundle->price, $from = $currency->code, $to = Session::has('changed_currency') ? Session::get('changed_currency') : $currency->code, $format = false)) }}{{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'r' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}/{{ $bundle->billing_interval }} @endif @else @if ($bundle->discount_price == !null) {{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'l' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}{{ price_format( currency($bundle->discount_price, $from = $currency->code, $to = Session::has('changed_currency') ? Session::get('changed_currency') : $currency->code, $format = false)) }}{{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'r' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}/{{ $bundle->billing_interval }} {{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'l' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}{{ price_format( currency($bundle->price, $from = $currency->code, $to = Session::has('changed_currency') ? Session::get('changed_currency') : $currency->code, $format = false)) }}{{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'r' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}/{{ $bundle->billing_interval }} @else {{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'l' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}{{ price_format( currency($bundle->price, $from = $currency->code, $to = Session::has('changed_currency') ? Session::get('changed_currency') : $currency->code, $format = false)) }}{{ activeCurrency()->getData()->position == 'r' ? activeCurrency()->getData()->symbol :'' }}/{{ $bundle->billing_interval }} @endif @endif @if (Auth::check()) @if (Auth::User()->role == 'admin') {{ __('Purchased') }} @else @php $order = App\Order::where('user_id', Auth::User()->id)->where('bundle_id', $bundle->id)->first(); @endphp @if (!empty($order) && $order->status == 1) {{ __('Purchased') }} @else @php $cart = App\Cart::where('user_id', Auth::User()->id)->where('bundle_id', $bundle->id)->first(); @endphp @if (!empty($cart)) {{ csrf_field() }} @else {{ csrf_field() }} @endif @endif @endif @else @if ($bundle->is_subscription_enabled == 1) {{ __('Subscribe Now') }} @else {{ __('Add To Cart') }} @endif @endif @else {{ __('Free') }} @if (Auth::check()) @if (Auth::User()->role == 'admin') {{ __('Purchased') }} @else @php $enroll = App\Order::where('user_id', Auth::User()->id)->where('bundle_id', $bundle->id)->first(); @endphp @if ($enroll == null) {{ __('Enroll Now') }} @else {{ __('Purchased') }} @endif @endif @else {{ __('Enroll Now') }} @endif @endif {{ __('Share this course') }} × @php $url= URL::current(); @endphp {{ __('CopyText') }} @php echo Share::currentPage('', [], '') ->facebook() ->twitter() ->linkedin('Extra linkedin summary can be passed here') ->whatsapp() ->telegram(); @endphp {{ __('Detail') }} {!! $bundle->detail !!} {{ __('Courses In Bundle') }} @php // FSMS function convertToHoursMins($time, $format = '%02d:%02d') { if ($time < 1) { return; } $hours =floor($time / 60); $minutes = ($time % 60); return sprintf($format, $hours, $minutes); } $courseCount = count( $bundle['course_id'] ) // FSMS @endphp {{ $courseCount . " courses" }} {{__('Expand all courses')}} {{__('Collapse all')}} {{__('courses')}} @foreach ($bundle->course_id as $bundles) @php $course = App\Course::where('id', $bundles)->first(); @endphp @if(isset($course)) {{ $course->title }} {{ $course->short_detail }} @endif @endforeach @endsection @section('custom-script') @endsection
{{ $bundle['short_detail'] }}